In an entry sure to rival that of Oprah's Favorite Things, I thought I would give kudos to a few products that I have tried for the first time recently and loved!
I tried this Secret Deodorant, KuKu Coco Butter, this smells delicious, reminds me of vacations in Florida, that said it may be more of a summer scent. It works and works, I will be going back for more. I hope they keep this one in the line-up!

Next thing I tried and love is the Clorox Anywhere spray. I have been spraying and wiping this up all over the place. Clearly it is a mix of less than 1% bleach and "other ingredients" otherwise known as water, but I fell for it and it makes me feel that there are less germs around here!

Then in another category, laundry, I found 2 stain removers I am crazy about!
I am a laundry snob, I am particular about how my clothes look and how they are washed...
The first is Dreft Laundry Stain Remover spray, you can find this at babies r us in a large bottle or a small travel size, I have both. I spray this on the stain, scrub and then wash as directed. I have found this will even get out the paint from Ava's preschool, nothing else has worked. A mom at the school recommended it to me.

The next I received as a sample with something I had ordered in the mail. Its called BIZ and it saved me when I realized an item I had sold on EBAY had a stain!!! Stress!
It took it out completely! I will be buying this next chance I get.
You can find it anywhere but it was new to me.

That's all I have for you today, I will share when I find something else that really surprises me! To my blogging friends, let's see some of your "good stuff" on your blogs.