Saturday, September 29, 2007

Ava's First Field Trip

Ok, so I may never catch up on the old posts I promised, but here is something recent.

Friday was Ava's first preschool field trip to a local pumpkin farm.

She enjoyed hanging out with her new BFF Catherine and held hands with a boy named Alex.

It was a gorgeous fall day. The pictures came out so nicely. I am excited to be able to experience all of these things all over again as an adult!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A whole month...

has slipped through my fingers without a single post...
I have no excuse...but we have been plenty busy with milestones.
Ava began preschool, Gia began walking, Gia sprouted teeth. I went to Las Vegas with my sisters and mom...w/o kids....or the hubby...Tony stayed with the girls! (what a guy!) I have photos of most of these that I will post soon.
Plus we have the girls birthdays next month, so I am busy planning the festivities.
Anyway, I will try to be better at this.