Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mom Always Said "Don't Play Ball in the House"!

Four days after my last blog posting I broke my Ulna in my lower arm. I was having a blast playing kick ball with Gia. Running full speed in your socks on hardwood floors when you already have a history of clumsiness is not a good idea! The good news is that so far my bone that had to be re-set is sticking and I won't have to have surgery. The bad news is I will have to wear this cast for 6 weeks. This is a challenge when taking care of 2 little girls all day everyday, but I am adapting pretty well. Did I mention I am left handed??? Nice added bonus.

Here's a picture of me and our Dear friend Joel taken today. He too broke his left arm, under much more adventurous circumstances, while hang gliding in Mexico.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Peek A Boo!

Here are some candid adorable shots of Giada peeking from behind the dining room curtains. This child has an adorable personality. She is talking up a storm and since she has been ear infection free for a month now, she is a happy camper!