Friday, April 11, 2008

My Homage to Pioneer Woman...Let's cook!

I am in love with the blog Confessions of a Pioneer Woman I describe what she is doing there in the cooking section as food porn. It is absolutely enough to make you drool and informative enough to make you think you too can do it in your kitchen. I had planned what I would make for dinner and decided to try it out for all of you. Once you visit Ree's site and see the fancy pants way she has everything set up and how magnificent her photos are I doubt you will be back here, but try not to forget us all together. Ree, try to ignore the elementary set up of my page, the very amateur photos and was all done with love. Thanks for the inspiration.
Today I am making Cornbread Taco Casserole.
Anyway, shall we get started???

Here is the cast of characters...

Not pictured: Water, Milk and 1 lb ground beef (be patient I am learning, and besides I had to call and borrow the milk from my neighbor...!)

Preheat your oven to 375degrees and add your raw meat to your pan.
Cook until brown, drain fat and return to heat.
Add taco seasoning and prepare according to package directions. For some of you these first three steps may be considered advanced cooking (Joel). If you want to stop here and have tacos I won't judge.

Once your taco meat is done turn off the heat, add 1 cup cheese, I used cheddar here, monterey jack is also a good choice. Next add I can of Chilli Magic...this stuff is not the easiest to find in the grocery store...check by the chilli, or by the beans. Combine and set aside.

In another bowl add 2 boxes of Jiffy or similar cornbread mix to 2/3 cup of milk. In this case I had 1/3 cup and my neighbor Lynn brought me the other 1/3...sometimes it takes a village.

Next Add 2 eggs.

Stir Stir Stir...Ava is doing this for me in this picture.

Add one 15.5 oz can of Fiesta Corn or as I lovingly call it "mexicorn".

Add 1 cup of cheese...In my opinion cheese like butter makes everything better.

Mix and Set aside.

Layer your beef mixture in the bottom of a jelly roll pan/stoneware pan. If the need for the pan I just listed is the deal breaker on whether you will make this or not you could always use a 9x13 pan, the finished product will just be deeper and may require a bit longer in the oven. If you don't know what a 9x13 me I will recommend a good take out place.

Who wouldn't like this recipe you ask??? Here's one little punk who is not digging it.

Throw some M&M's or other blackmail item to the distraction and press on... Spread your corn bread mixture on top of the beef mixture until it is completely covered.

Stick it in the oven for 15-20 minutes...longer if you go the 9x13 route...until golden brown. Once it's ready pull it out of the oven and cut into squares. You can garnish with sour cream as I did, and/or black olives, tomatos...whatever you like.
