Sunday, May 18, 2008

Spring Things!

It's been too long. But an exciting thing happened since my last post...Spring arrived!

We had been cooped up in this house for 6 months with more illnesses and injuries than any one family should endure. Since the weather changed we have been nearly living outdoors.

Gia is so much happier now that we can be outdoors. Wish I could say she was sleeping in because of the fresh air but that is not the case. So here's what we've been up to..

planting this tree, a prarie fire crab tree and some dwarf lilac bushes

creating, digging, planting and caring for our new garden. we have a new "green" area

in a private service yard, it houses our garden, a retractable clothesline, trash and recycling containers
we have been visiting our local parks, in an effort to visit 10 parks, which is part of a contest our park district is sponsoring.

This was from a visit to a local farm to buy mothers day flowers. I call it the "free zoo"

We celebrated Ava's last week of preschool with a school music program and a family picnic.
I promise to try another recipe for you soon. I just need to get organized and have all of my ingredients ready to go. I will try to post again soon...I think I may need a laptop since my time indoors in limited these days. Happy Spring!!!