Sunday, January 27, 2008

My bag

I got "bag tagged" by my friend Jill in France. So here's what I needed to do...

1. Show a picture of your bag
See mine below. I bought this at a Nine West outlet store in Las Vegas last October. It is giant sized.

2-Show a picture of ALL the contents

Hmm...what all do we have here.


2- coupon organizer

3- 2 diapers

4- wipes

5- a pair of underwear for Ava, in case of emergency's!

6- 2 barrettes

7- An dishwasher detergent sample from Costco

8- black leather gloves

9- 2 pairs of Gia's socks

10- 3 lip glosses

11-one baby toothbrush

12- package of Extra gum

13- container of Cheerios

14- 2 coupon books from Haunted Trails (we were there for a bday party yesterday)

15- prize tickets from haunted trails

3- tag 5 of your friends....well this will be hard, I have no blogging friends
but if any of my valued readers want to share I would love to see your stuff!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Party Time!

We had an outing to our dear friend Carly's birthday today. They have a ride called the Bone Shaker. Ava loves it and today Gia took her first ride. SHE LOVED IT! I am glad both girls are not afraid, I have been waiting for a roller coaster partner for a long time since Tony won't go on them.

Friday, January 18, 2008

My happy girl!

There's that old familiar face...I think this antibiotic may be doing the trick. We are having many more smiles these days! Yippee!

Please Write!

I set up this mailbox on Ava's bedroom door. Saw this idea in this months Family Fun magazine. Anyway I have never seen a kid more excited in making or receiving greeting cards/ if you have any time and would like to send her something I will make sure it makes it to her box!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My little Pony

Awww, I remember the first time Ava wore a pony tail she looked so grown up.
It's the same thing with Giada this morning. I may be trying to make a lot of of nothing, but it fit into the pony tail holder so I think it counts!!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Wishing for summer...

Ava decided to pretend it was summer today. I really couldn't argue with her, I know I am sick of being cooped up in the house and sick of everyone being sick. Gia is now on her 3rd antibiotic since late Dec. She has double ear infections. I hope this one does the trick and I hope that groundhog does NOT see his shadow in a few weeks~!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Group Shot...All together now...Say Cheese!

Ava asked to borrow my camera today. Then she methodically set up her subjects. "That is their Grandma in the wheel chair mom." She is such a creative kid which can get her into a lot of messy trouble, but I am begining to see that she needs to be cut a little slack because she is a little artist.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year friends! I hope the new year keeps you and yours happy & healthy!!!
Ava made it to midnight!!! what a trooper!