Monday, July 21, 2008

Close At Hand

My new favorite thing is my mother's ring. I had seen an ad for one of these rings by nelleandlizzy in Jan. 2007's issue of Parents magazine. I tore out the blurb and stuck it in a folder. I looked at it a few times since then, and a few weeks ago I decided to order it. My mom has a traditional birthstone mother's ring. My girl's have the same birthstone, and a ring with 2 of the same birthstones didn't really excite me. The thought of having their names in individual bands that are intertwined seemed like a simple and precious way to always keep them "with me". It isn't fussy or expensive, but now that I have it, I value it greatly for what it represents.
The one pictured is obviously not camera, despite many attempts could not capture it so I stole this from their site. They will forgive me when you all order yours. Another similar option, untraditional, but with a little different flair is by Carved Creations

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Job Security

I don't know about you but my laundry has skyrocketed as we have gotten into summer. The girls go through about 3 outfits a day. I have been going through a few myself + work out clothes for me, add in swimsuits, towels...and I have job security for a good long while. This picture captures what summer and childhood is all about.
It's always better to get dirty and enjoy the fun times!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our Club

We belong to a private beach/boating/camping club. It is close to our new house, so we spend a lot of summer weekend days there. It is a huge club with acres of mature trees, a ski lake, plenty of lake for boat fishing, a beach, snack bar, and camp grounds. There are several pavillions where you can hold large parties/cookouts.

I camped once...haha not for me, I love the whole experience minus the sleeping outdoors on the ground in a tent. I told Tony I will stay and do everything with him and the kids, get them to bed, cruise home into my 300 threadcount sheets and then come back for breakfast!

Anyway, the girls love the beach, here are a few shots from this past Sunday.

Some shots from the 4th...

a little late I know, we are busy having summer fun!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

My Stand By Recipe...

Everyone has something that they are known for making. You know the thing people expect you to bring to the annual family reunion, cook out...for me my tried and true recipe is Apricot Squares.

Here's what you need to make these delicious bits of heaven.

flour, sugar, lemon juice, 1 jar (18 oz) apricot preserves, 1 lb of butter (yep, the whole pound)

and eggs (4 yolks), powdered sugar (not pictured but recommended: chopped pecans )

I use my stoneware jelly roll pan, but any jelly roll size pan will do.

Start with 4 sticks of softened butter.

Add 4 egg yolks and mix like below.

slowly begin adding 2 cups of sugar, mix mix mix

once that is finished, begin adding 4 cups of flour, one at a time, mixing after each

ideally, your mixture will look like this, it works best when it forms this crumbly sort of dough
makes it much easier when you are putting it together later.

In a seperate bowl, add 1 jar of apricot preserves.

Add 1 tbsp lemon juice, and mix

Get your dough, apricot mixture and pan ready to assemble.

Start by putting about two thirds of your dough into your pan and pressing to cover the bottom, like so...

Next pour your apricot mixture on top, I like to use a small spreading trowel to get it evenly distributed.

There's my ever present and helpful assitant!

Next, this is where your crumbl dough makes it super easy...just sprinkle your remaining dough on top. *Typically I add chopped pecans to the top before baking, I didn't have any the day I made these, but highly recommend you add some to yours.

Bake in a 325 degree oven for approx. 1 hr or until golden brown. Allow to cool.

After they are cooled, I top with powdered sugar. Cut into squares and serve.

These freeze well too.