Thursday, July 17, 2008

Job Security

I don't know about you but my laundry has skyrocketed as we have gotten into summer. The girls go through about 3 outfits a day. I have been going through a few myself + work out clothes for me, add in swimsuits, towels...and I have job security for a good long while. This picture captures what summer and childhood is all about.
It's always better to get dirty and enjoy the fun times!!!


Cheryl said...

Is that a blue-raspberry dip on that cone? Man, we're limited to cherry and chocolate around here! LOL over summer laundry. It's still less than all the bulky winter stuff! haha!

Tracy said...

yep, blue, I had never seen it if red cherry wasn't messy enough! she seemed to enjoy it, whatever wasn't running down her arm...

Liz said...

Nice! I totally understand :)

Anonymous said...

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