Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I love being a princess!

Ava was excited to have her friends Carly (3) and Corinne (5) over this afternoon. As usual the gowns were out in full force. I took a picture of the girls once they were done primping.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Baby Kaleb

If you haven't already heard the story about baby Kaleb which has taken over the My Space site and much of the cyber world please read on.

Kaleb Schwade was a perfectly healthy little boy born in Nov. 2006. He is a victim of shaken baby syndrome. While the litigation against the person accused is just begining, Kaleb's fight is not. Since May he has been fighting for his life. In addition to severe brain trauma he also contracted menengitis while hospitalized . Miraculously he was able to come home last week (with around the clock care in his home.) He had some setbacks and is now back in the hospital. Please check out his mom's site, she blogs almost daily with his progress. This is a great reminder to each of us of how quickly our circumstances can change. Count your blessings, kiss your babies and thank God for everything you have. Please pray for Kaleb. Their site is at

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Gia, my little pumpkin

Took Gia in for her 9 month visit. She weighed in at 15lbs 9 oz. That is in the 4th percentile for weight! She is a peanut. She is 28 inches long which is 57th percentile. Long and lean like her parents I guess, LOL. Ava outweighed her by 2lbs 3oz at the same age.

She is in good health, just tiny. She had to get one shot. She screamed like crazy. Next visit is at one year. I can't believe she will be turning one already!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The View

I broke a mirror in December. Technically, I ripped the passenger side mirror off of my car while pulling out of my garage after consuming my first post-partum alcoholic drink. I did this while my mother-in-law watched. We were both laughing hysterically. I am not usually superstitious...but the events that have followed have made me wonder. Today a large rock flew off of a truck in the oncoming lane and hit my windshield. Nice. I now have what looks like a bullet hole-like crack in my lower left windshield. Last week my " check engine" light came on. Yesterday after a visit to the dealer, I was given a laundry list of things that I could have repaired...all to a tune of $1100!!!!
Add to that Ava's accident, Gia's broken leg, my central A/C that went on the blink, my new dining table showing up damaged....I am thinking I am the recipient of some bad JuJu. Boy that upcoming Vegas trip should be a load of fun! Should I write that check directly to the casino right now?!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sweet Corn!

It's that time again! Glasscock's corn is ready. Glasscock's in a local grower and they have the best calico sweet corn ever! I stopped today and picked up a dozen. YUM! It is one of the things about summer in the Midwest that I look forward to all year!

Is it sad that I took a picture of my corn? If you know me you had to figure food would show up here at some point.

9 mos. old

Giada is nine months old today. did this happen???

She is such a joy and just as I wondered the night before I delivered her how I could ever love another child as much as I loved Ava, today I struggle to remember what life was like before she stepped into our hearts!

I did it

I have been wanting to establish a blog. I send so many pictures of the girls out via e-mail. This way I can let people know they can find us here and watch the girls grow at their leisure...without clogging their inbox.

I am also looking for an outlet for blogging on various topics in the news, and just things that are on my mind, so I will use this forum for that as well. I welcome your comments and views.

Thanks for letting us into your day. We are glad you are here.