Thursday, July 12, 2007

The View

I broke a mirror in December. Technically, I ripped the passenger side mirror off of my car while pulling out of my garage after consuming my first post-partum alcoholic drink. I did this while my mother-in-law watched. We were both laughing hysterically. I am not usually superstitious...but the events that have followed have made me wonder. Today a large rock flew off of a truck in the oncoming lane and hit my windshield. Nice. I now have what looks like a bullet hole-like crack in my lower left windshield. Last week my " check engine" light came on. Yesterday after a visit to the dealer, I was given a laundry list of things that I could have repaired...all to a tune of $1100!!!!
Add to that Ava's accident, Gia's broken leg, my central A/C that went on the blink, my new dining table showing up damaged....I am thinking I am the recipient of some bad JuJu. Boy that upcoming Vegas trip should be a load of fun! Should I write that check directly to the casino right now?!


Alina said...

I say the Vegas trip will be the turn around :)

Patrice said...

Tracy, so glad you started a blog, I've caught up on all your posts today. I am a reader, not a blogger, so count on me for an audience and comments! And it has nothing to do with the broken mirror - don't you know all bad luck is the husband's fault?