Sunday, July 22, 2007

Baby Kaleb

If you haven't already heard the story about baby Kaleb which has taken over the My Space site and much of the cyber world please read on.

Kaleb Schwade was a perfectly healthy little boy born in Nov. 2006. He is a victim of shaken baby syndrome. While the litigation against the person accused is just begining, Kaleb's fight is not. Since May he has been fighting for his life. In addition to severe brain trauma he also contracted menengitis while hospitalized . Miraculously he was able to come home last week (with around the clock care in his home.) He had some setbacks and is now back in the hospital. Please check out his mom's site, she blogs almost daily with his progress. This is a great reminder to each of us of how quickly our circumstances can change. Count your blessings, kiss your babies and thank God for everything you have. Please pray for Kaleb. Their site is at

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