Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sweet Corn!

It's that time again! Glasscock's corn is ready. Glasscock's in a local grower and they have the best calico sweet corn ever! I stopped today and picked up a dozen. YUM! It is one of the things about summer in the Midwest that I look forward to all year!

Is it sad that I took a picture of my corn? If you know me you had to figure food would show up here at some point.


Alyssa said...

your a LOSERRR haha who takes pictures of corn?

Dorian said...

Yum!!! I love living in the midwest. If you look back to my blog from last summer, you'll see pictures of corn growing, with me dreaming about how good it will taste!! We've had it twice this year already, plus it's growing in my backyard garden!!